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Grazing Tables & boards

A feast fit for royalty 

Who else likes to graze all day and graze all night? We certainly do!!

Why not take the hassle out of doing the online shop and let our amazing supplier set up a feast that is sure to impress & keep you going back for more.


Our bespoke dining table situated in the stunning farmhouse kitchen is the perfect base for the set up of this picture perfect feast. 


The supplier will come and set it all up providing you with lots of insta opportunities along the way (how people make food look so pretty is beyond us).  All you need to do is decide if you want to graze around the banquet table or fill your plate and take the grazing elsewhere.  



Wedding Grazing Table

The Details

Our recommended supplier is a family run business that specialises in grazing and sharing platters. They offer cheese and charcuterie boards and boxes, grazing buffet tables, brunches and afternoon teas. They love to work with local suppliers and being based in Darlington, they are perfectly placed to provide stunning produce from North Yorkshire, Durham and Northumberland. They pride themselves on keeping it local and using fresh seasonal produce with an eye for dressing tables and boards beautifully to suit your theme or colour scheme (should you have one). From small gatherings to larger events they'll work with you every step of the way to ensure you have an event (& feast) to remember.


Prices for full tables start at £18 pp & you can expect an array of goodies such as quiches, salads, sausage rolls, fresh bread, cured meats, locally sourced cheeses & antipasti.  We've sampled this service ourselves (it would be rude not to) and it comes fully recommended. 


Details on how to book this service will be made availability once a booking with us is made.



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